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College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
Give students life changing experiences

Your support is the key to helping students in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences access life-changing opportunities that can take them anywhere from Capitol Hill to around the globe.

Scholarships and grants enable our students to study abroad, fund internships, and gain international experiences that enhance their education and career prospects. They can immerse themselves in diverse cultures, develop critical skills, and apply classroom knowledge in real-world settings.

By alleviating financial barriers with your help, the college ensures that every student has the chance to explore the world, broaden their perspectives, and prepare for success in an increasingly globalized workforce.

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Rank State Gifts
1 VA 1274
2 NC 72
3 MD 40
CLAHS Dean's Roundtable Challenge
The fund within the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences with the largest percent increase in donors over last year's Giving Day will receive an additional $5,000. Second place will receive $2,500, third place will receive $1,500, and fourth place will receive $1,000.
Rank Prize Area % +/- Goal
1 $5,000 Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Fund +2600.00% 27
goal: 1
2 $2,500 Appalachian Studies Fund +1900.00% 20
goal: 1
3 $1,500 Sociology Department Annual Fund +340.00% 66
goal: 15
4 $1,000 Family Therapy Center +300.00% 40
goal: 10
5 Philosophy Department Annual Fund +280.00% 19
goal: 5
Department of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management Challenge
Once 70 donors have made a gift to the Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management Annual Fund, it will unlock a generous donation of $5,000 from the CLAHS Dean's Roundtable
70 / 70 Donors
History Department Challenge
Once 52 donors have made a gift to the History Department Annual Fund, it will unlock a generous donation of $5,000 from the CLAHS Dean's Roundtable
52 / 52 Donors
Human Development and Family Science Department Challenge
Once 92 donors have made a gift to the Human Development and Family Science Annual Fund, it will unlock a generous donation of $5,000 from the CLAHS Dean's Roundtable
92 / 92 Donors
Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures Challenge
Once 32 donors have made a gift to the Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures Annual Fund, it will unlock a generous donation of $5,000 from the CLAHS Dean's Roundtable
32 / 32 Donors
Philosophy Department Challenge
Once 15 donors have made a gift to the Philosophy Department Annual Fund, it will unlock a generous donation of $5,000 from the CLAHS Dean's Roundtable
15 / 15 Donors
Political Science Department Challenge
Once 60 donors have made a gift to the Political Science Department Annual Fund, it will unlock a generous donation of $5,000 from the CLAHS Dean's Roundtable
60 / 60 Donors
Department of Religion and Culture Challenge
Once 31 donors have made a gift to the Department of Religion and Culture Annual Fund, it will unlock a generous donation of $5,000 from the CLAHS Dean's Roundtable
31 / 31 Donors
Department of Sociology Challenge
Once 30 donors have made a gift to the Department of Sociology Annual Fund, it will unlock a generous donation of $5,000 from the CLAHS Dean's Roundtable
30 / 30 Donors
Science, Technology, and Society Department Challenge
Once 18 donors have made a gift to the Science, Technology and Society Department Annual Fund, it will unlock a generous donation of $5,000 from the CLAHS Dean's Roundtable
18 / 18 Donors
School of Public and International Affairs Challenge
Once 50 donors have made a gift to the School of Public and International Affairs Annual Fund, it will unlock a generous donation of $5,000 from the CLAHS Dean's Roundtable
50 / 50 Donors
Current Undergraduate Challenge
The current undergraduate class with the most donors will receive bonus funds to the area of their choice as voted on via the respective class years' Instagram accounts: @vtclassof25, @vtclassof26, @vt_classof27, or @vtclassof2028
What is your preferred class year?
Rank Answer Donors
1 2025 1,125
2 2026 1,107
3 2027 900
4 2028 758
Corps of Cadets Decades Challenge
The Top-3 Corps of Cadets alumni decades with the most donors will receive additional funds towards their decade's scholarship. 1st place will receive $1,000, 2nd place will receive $750, and 3rd place will receive $500.
Choose Your Class Decade
Rank Answer Donors
1 2020-2029 642
2 1970-1979 105
3 1980-1989 81
4 1960-1969 72
5 1990-1999 61
6 2000-2009 50
7 2010-2019 43
8 1940-1949 2
9 1950-1959 2
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